I’ve been really liking Medium’s interface. So for now, I’ll be using them.
Category: Archives
Algorithms, Design, Humans, Wildcard
Today we are happy to announce Wildcard 2.0 is officially in the iOS appstore. The new Wildcard is the best news reader on the iphone, done through a combination of smart algorithms, good design, and a team of amazing editors. The past 7 months has been a process of constant iteration, and the new Wildcard shows a glimpse of our vision to the future of mobile media consumption.
When we started down the path of creating Wildcard 2.0, we thought along three different axis – speed, content coverage and personalization. A lot of design and engineering thoughts went into this, this post will cover some of our technical considerations.
The smart phone is fantastic. It’s a powerful computer attached to you 24/7. But this incredible accessibility is often limited by software. On average, it takes many times longer to read and understand a topic on the phone than on the desktop. It is quite ironic, that you would ever have to sift through web search results on your phone to find a piece of news.
We approached the speed problem from a fundamental level. Inside Wildcard, every piece of information is organized as a mobile card, which is somewhere between a tweet and a webpage. It is a small unit of content that captures a single use case – whether it’s an image, a video, or a summary and a link to an article. With the combination of a novel random forrest based card creation system (which I will write about in a separate post) and a card-based search engine, we have created what we call “the internet of cards” (IOC). Free from the shackles of the legacy web stack like HTML, CSS and Javascript rendering, mobile cards are represented with structured data and rendered natively. This nice property of mobile cards means we can truly deliver content with incredible speed, and natively change the presentation to any platform, whether it’s iOS, Android, FB, Twitter, or any smartwatch.
Understanding Design Culture

A few weeks ago, I attended a discussion panel about building design culture with Khoi Vinh from Wildcard and Pierre Valade from Sunrise. They are both designers I respect and admire tremendously, and I was surprised by the astonishing difference in their design processes. With so many variables in practice of design, how can we, as founders, try to build a design culture?
“Design is everything engineers don’t do.” — Khoi Vinh
“Design is everything, it’s how we solve problems.” — Pierre Valade
These quotes are much broader than the traditional understanding of design. It touches every corner of a company, and it requires a culture with tremendous empathy and understanding of the design process. So, to me, good design culture means everyone in the company has a certain level of understanding and appreciation of the design process. This is especially difficult to adopt, because shifting the mentality for a group of people takes time and consistent effort.
Design is having ridiculously high standard for product experience. Design is going above and beyond to delight users. Design is being obsessive about every little detail. Design requires numerous iterations and relaxed time constraints.
Predictability of shipping date goes down dramatically when the standard of design goes up. This means engineering needs to understand that 29 out of the 30 prototypes will not ship. This means marketing and PR needs to understand the marketing plan may start 2 months after the initial planned date. This means product needs to understand that design will gather information, get inspired from unconventional processes that sometimes seems like they are “wasting time”. And our job as a founders is to make sure we create enough space to make that happen.
One cannot simply build a design culture without having first-class design DNA. You can’t fake design culture by hosting the occasional customer interviews or getting employee passes to photography exhibits. Design culture is a commitment to the art and the process, and the first step to that commitment is to work with designers who REALLY knows what they are doing.
If you are just starting out with this process, there WILL be a period of time of learning to understanding where the lines are. I have been fortunate enough to work with some talented designers over the years, and here are a few things I have learned:
- Things WILL get thrown away. Figure out how to build CHEAP prototypes.
- The design process requires TIME and INSPIRATION. Sometimes it means browsing Dribbble for an afternoon, sometimes it means working in complete isolation for a few days.
- Don’t expect to validate everything in mockup form. A lot of times (especially for consumer products), you just have to play with the product.
- Subtle things REALLY matter. Things like typography make a big difference.
- Over-communicate, try to define a very clear goal at the beginning.
- Know that design is a never-ending process, sometimes things cannot be measured by metrics.
If you are not a designer, what other things have you learned working with a design team? If you are a designer, what other things do you wish your counter parts would understand?
The Age of Mobile Integration

When Tim Berners-Lee created the hypertext (think web links) at CERN in 1989, he forever changed how the internet worked by creating connections between resources. The simple concept of open and sharable references means web experiences can be integrated together in an infinite possibility. Thus the web, from its birth, promotes integration. Mobile (at least the version we know today), on the other hand, was conceived without that concept. This fundamental difference has been one of the biggest limiting factors in the mobile ecosystem for the past 6 years.
Information on the web is open. A large portion of information is openly available, another large portion is hidden behind login walls, but fairly easily accessible. Information is passed around between web apps through plugins, widgets, async apis, links, and many other formats. Information in the mobile world is locked up inside apps. There is a very high threshold for app download, and the majority of the apps on phones don’t get opened. Push notifications are used largely as a triggering mechanism rather than an unit of consumable information. SDKs are generally action-based instead of information-based. This makes the majority of mobile experiences inaccessible to users.
On the web, there are many ways we can discover new content, whether it’s through search, curation, social, or any other mechanism. This is because links on the web are open, and the “control” lowers percieved switching cost. On mobile, there are no good ways to discover new content. App search is notoriously bad, and apps are generally not created with broad discoverability in mind. Social platforms tend to keep people on the platforms, which causes the problem of “hit-and-leave” for content publishers. There is no equivalence of “just browsing the web” in the mobile app world, and hence, users lose the ability to casually discover new experiences.
The lack of accessibility and discoverability is further worsened by the lack of communication between apps. Due to OS restrictions, apps live in very controlled sandboxes. Even with the recent development in deeplinking and app plugins, we haven’t seen information passed between apps in a meaningful way except for a few very specific use cases. The “app constellation” model remains unattainable for most developers. There lacks a communication pipe so that apps are aware of other apps, and there lacks a mechanism for apps to define an “embedded experience” inside other apps.
We all know that mobile doesn’t live on a single device. We live in a multi-device world and the devices are in different environments. Environments are important because their refer contexts and the underlining expectations of users. Other than large companies with proprietary homegrown solutions, most apps are not aware of other environments, and have no easy way to communicate between environments. With the upcoming smart watches and internet of things, communication in a multi-device world is a huge opportunity. Cross device experiences like iMessage is and inspiration for thinking about a user as she is using a service.
In the app-centric world, experiences largely live in silos. The switching cost between apps is high, and the poor navigability of the OS makes information inaccessible. It’s quite ironic that the highly accessible hardware (you can take the phone out of your pocket at anytime) is coupled with an inaccessible software layer. Comparing to the ease of information flow in the desktop environment, smartphones don’t come close. We are handicapped by legacy technology layers and OS-layer restrictions to take full advantage of the internet infrstrcutured built up over the last 20 years. The rigid programming paradigms make development slower and more costly. The lack of access to low-level functionality limits the programmer’s ability to innovate. The existing legacy web makes re-designing for a small screen extremely difficult.
With so many problems in the mobile software layer, many companies (include Wildcard – the company I helped to start) are working on new solutions. Mobile cards, deeplinks, various SDKs for identity management, mobile payment are all solutions that give mobile apps new super powers. With the base layer established and many interesting use cases explored, here comes the age of mobile integration.
The Dirty Secret of 10x Engineers
There is a mantra in the startup world – “we only hire 10x engineers”. This is exactly the arrogant, bullshit attitude that turns your company into a fear-driven, political and unproductive place to work. Nobody is consistently a 10x engineer. Here is why:
If someone constantly works at a rate 10 times more productive than the average engineer, this person is an expert who has stopped challenging himself. This could be due to a variety of reasons, but trust me, the smartest engineers got there by constantly challenging themselves and learning new stuff.
In flow theory, the “flow state” is when the right amount of expertise and right amount of challenge intersect. This is a rare occurrence when you are productive at your highest potential. This is your “10x” state. Everyone can have this 10x state. (for more, read this post by Jeff Dickey)
However, almost by default, you are rarely in the flow state when you are working at a startup. Startups work on problems that have not been solved, and they are usually extremely challenging. You should have enough basic understanding in related topics to gain the expertise, but rarely do you already have the expertise. (Already having the expertise would mean you are working on the exact same problem as the one you solved before, and we have a much bigger problem here)
The mode of operation is usually something like this:
- Hit your head against the wall for a few days
- Search google, email friends, read papers / books
- Prototype a few different solutions, realize they are all flawed
- Cold email experts in the field (or get introduced by friends), set up coffee/skype meetings
- Build new prototype with newly gained knowledge
- Repeat
This process is filled with learning new tools, new terminologies and new ways of thinking. None of this qualifies for the prerequisite of operating at your 10x state.
Will you eventually learn all the things you need to learn to be productive? Of course. But that’s usually short-lived. You will get to be 10x when you are building the last prototype (which will grow into the real product). At this point you are so knowledgable in this particular topic that it takes you 10% of the time compare to the first prototype. This is your 10x state.
At this point, you realize the problem you solved is just one piece of the 3000 piece Seurat Sunday Afternoon Jigsaw Puzzle Now you have to move on to the next problem. And the seemingly never-ending death cycle of prototyping starts all over again. Oh by the way, you have to somehow magically align this effort with timeline on the business side, figure out a reasonable deployment strategy, manage your AWS instances, find time to see your boy/girlfriend, etc.
But there is a silver lining here. The more you go through this process, the better you get at navigating the unknown. You learn to use the right tools, you learn resources to look for, you meet other smart people, and most importantly, you learn to look at a unknown problem from an inventor’s eye. All of the experiences you’ve learned will increase your chances of entering your 10x state, and soon people will start calling you a 10x engineer. But you won’t let that get to your head, because now you know too much to know that you can’t possibly know it all.
So this is OUR mantra at Wildcard – “We hire ridiculously intelligent people and challenge them to constantly get better”. We are working on problems no one has solved, and we will constantly push ourselves to learn new things. May we never become 10x engineers.
5 months ago, Jordan, Doug and I sat in Doug’s living room in San Francisco for a week, talking about the mobile web and our visions of what it should be. It was an exciting week. Github account was created, AWS machines provisioned, and sketches were drawn.
We were all fed up with the current state of the mobile internet. It is an ecosystem plagued by terrible user experiences and little-to-no common practices. Users are left to their own devices and businesses lost precious opportunities. So we set out to change all that. Our goals are ambitious, our problems are hairy, and on top of that we decided to bootstrap, which means resources are scarce.

In the subsequent months, we moved back to New York, got a few desks at a co-working space (thanks to Lerer Ventures), and went to work. To better understand the problem, we talked to the smartest people we know, and created prototype after prototype.
We are still in the thick of it – changing the mobile web on a fundamental and infrastructural level is no easy task. It’s one of those rare projects that sit at the borderline between a completely crazy idea and a huge opportunity. This type of projects need time and a massive amount of effort. We will create infrastructure that the mobile web lacks today, we will create new modes for people to interact with “the internet” on the go, and we will invent new ways for businesses to reach their customers. The difference between now and 5 months ago is that now we have $3 million bucks, a few awesome new additions to the team, new prototypes to play with, and a new company name.
Our new company is called Wildcard. Jordan describes it well in his blog post about what we are up to, and Doug has posted about some technical problems we are working on.
Drop me a line if you want to learn more, or sign up for early access to the future by putting your email in the sign up form.
Where Is My Robot Scientist?
Shot from the Movie AI
Mass production is something that most of us take for granted today. We enjoy the effect of it everyday but rarely think about the dramatic change it has brought to the world. Almost everything we buy today is mass produced.
One thing that’s never been able to be mass-produced is ideas. An idea can be a song, a piece of writing, a software program, or a business plan. The process of idea creation is a personal experience that requires creativity and complex thinking. It seems impossible for machines and science to create ideas like we can.
But times have changed since the day of mechanical, dumb machines that can only handle simple tasks. Recent advancements in AI and data science are giving us signs of truly “intelligent” machines, capable of mass-producing original ideas. How exactly can we do it? To answer this question, we have to understand:
- Fundamental pieces of a mass-production system
- Categories of ideas in the world.
Mass Production System
It’s fairly straight-forward to understand a mass-production system. People have been studying and improving it for centuries, ever since the industrial revolution (one can argue it started a lot earlier than that, but you get the point). Such systems usually involve
- Supply chain to gather raw materials
- Transformation process to change raw materials into generally useful, multi-purpose forms
- Assembly lines that assemble small pieces into functional units, again, usually multi-purpose
- Assembly lines that assemble functional units into final products
- Quality assurance in each step
There are also distribution and fulfillment systems, but let’s focus on the creation process for now.
Categories of Ideas
Categorizing all ideas in the world is much harder. One can turn to cosmology or epistemology, but that tends to get philosophical pretty quickly. It gets even more confusing when the categories of ideas itself is an idea (hmm… did somebody say M.C Escher?) But for arguments sake, let’s group ideas into:
- Metaphysical ideas (music, modern art – ideas for ideas sake)
- Worldly ideas (journalism, a business plan, a piece of computer program – ideas rooted in the physical world)
Mass Producing Ideas
To imagine a mass production system for metaphysical ideas, let’s think about music. Notes/sound are the raw materials. Rhythm, riffs, choruses, movements are the small, functional units. Songs are the final products. The brute-force approach would be generating an infinite number of rhythms, riffs, choruses, create all permutation of these elements and listen to every generated song to find the ones you like. But that would take an infinite amount of time.
The key here is quality control. At each step, we identify the “quality” we care about, and create a filter to only let through what we care about. Machine learning technology can already learn “styles” of music. Rules can be created to structure pieces of music into songs, and music analytics engines + recommendation algorithms can analyze them to determine if you will like the music.
Worldly ideas on the other hand, are harder to create. There are many constraints that are hard to capture using mathematics / rules. How can we generate a piece of original news article? What about a business plan to solve a real-world problem? It seems that we have to teach machines to “understand” the real world before we can generate “analysis” from it.
But short of creating original worldly ideas, we can create derivatives of existing ideas. With sufficient data, machines can “learn” from existing ideas and create similar ideas or other forms of the same ideas. The process varies depending on the algorithm, but usually statistical analysis and natural language processing is involved. For example, text analysis engines like the SRI Internaional are able to take existing text and create short summaries from them. Diagnostic engines are able to use patient data and symptoms to create diagnosis.
The goal of mass production is a very simple economic principle: dramatic reduction on cost and dramatic increase on supply. We are still far away from creating music as good as Bach, or generating news reports worthy of the New York Times, but technologies that create ideas have fundamental impacts on society.
With SRI’s text summary technology, it now takes 10% of the time it did before to achieve the same breath in the past, which means it increased our reading speed by 1000%. Electronic music lowers the bar for music production by eliminating the necessity of learning to play musical instruments (biggest hurdle of music creation). The amount of new electronic music changed the fundamentals of the publishing side of the music industry. Companies like Game Salad try to lower the threshold for creating games, and the effect has been the commoditization of game creation. With the same level resources, my friends are way more likely to create games I want to play than Zanga ever will.
Technology is at a point to challenge the traditional method of idea creation. With the right application, we will be able to create more new ideas than ever before. And maybe one day, we will have a robot scientist making things for us.
Intent and the Internet
I’ve been thinking about intent lately. In the world of “big data”, “sentiment analysis”, “behavioral marketing” (blah blah blah…), “we use intent to drive user behavior change” is the party line. It’s a shame that “driving intent” is this black box that “our data scientists created” and no one else understands it. What does it really mean in the context of the internet we live in today?
To Lay the Ground Work
On the most fundamental level, every small action we do on a webpage is triggered by an intent. These are not “want to buy a car”, “want babies” intent. These are more like “click on name link”, “navigate to home page”, “sign up”, etc. Micro-view, super short-term, knee-jerk reaction type of stuff. From that we can define an “Intent” as “the desire of performing an action”, which really is the action itself + some meta data (like time, location, etc).
Now that’s quite a simplistic and lower-value view of Intents. What people really want is to derive “insights” from “intents”, which are the more “meta” intents people talk about in the advertising world (“want to buy a BMW”, “want to go to Daft Punk concert”, etc).
Let’s call the more insightful intents “meta-intents”, and the lower-level, action-representations “simple-intents”.
The Problem Of Predicting Intent
So what does it take to arrive at the “meta-intents” from a bunch of recorded “simple-intents”? When we translate it to “data science” terms, the question becomes “Given a series of prior simple actions, how likely is it for a person to take a particular action I care about in the immediate future?”
Statisticians have long studied this problem. Countless research studies have been conducted, ranging from brand loyalty, purchase behavior, to World of Warcraft and condom usage. Many regressions and latent-models and collaborative filters later, they all have one thing in common: the data has to be high-signal and low-noise. Said in another way, we have to know all of the relevant actions and at the same time filter out actions that are not relevant.
To put it in an example: in a cookie-centric world, an advertiser typically have about 10%-25% of the data. This means if I visited 100 sites this morning, they know about 10-15 of them. How high of a signal is that? How accurately can they predict what I’m trying to do?
In Real Life
Simple intents and meta intents inform one-another. We can derive simple-intents from meta-intents to guide users down to specific paths, and we can observe users’ simple-intents to derive meta-intents. But these 2 operations require different amounts of efforts. “Meta-to-simple” can be achieved almost automatically (mostly driven by algorithms), “simple-to-meta” is much more manual (data scientists or analysts validating assumptions on top of hadoop clusters). On by the way, it’s not obvious what those meta intents are so the assumptions are hard to make. Think the book Freakonomics.
From a cold-start, since you don’t have enough data to study any patterns of simple intents, ‘meta-to-simple’ is the only approach. There might still be room to use public data sets to generate meta-intents, but that’s a timed window as data science becomes commoditized over time. A data-driven product needs to have enough data science DNA in-house to continually experiment with new assumptions, and that’s how you build true advantages that no one else can copy.
There are a lot more topics to think about, like personal profile and short-term vs. long-term intent. We’ll talk about that in another post.
Brainstorming vs. Casual Conversations
Brainstorming is an integral part of the creative process, and it’s especially true for software/product design.
The New Yorker published a great article this week titled “Group Think: The Brainstorming Myth”. The article tries to prove that “brainstorming” is not as efficient as “casual conversations”, mainly because it discourages criticism. Also see the linkbate on Hacker News “Brainstorming Doesn’t Really Work”.
The author makes great points about some downsides of brainstorming, backing it up with experiments and data. For example, the 2003 UC Berkeley experiment suggests that, groups who arrive to results through a “debate” process is often more productive than groups who use a “brainstorm” process, even though at times debating is unpleasant. On a slightly tangential topic, the author also brings up the point that “unfamiliarity” can increase productivity. (Backed by the Broadway production experiment conducted by Brian Uzzi at Northwestern) The article goes through many successful examples of modern work space setups that encourage casual conversations between multiple disciplines.
I totally disagree with what the linkbate suggests. (Although the article itself is quite interesting) Brainstorming and casual conversation have very different roles in the creative process. The points presented in the article are all valid, but the comparison is inappropriate. In a modern-day work environment, we need both.
Brainstorming is an organized activity. While it’s difficult to administor (therefore most brainstorming sessions are pretty poorly ran), it’s quite effective if implemented right. Here is why:
- It gets all the shitty ideas out of your system. Everyone has them, it doesn’t matter how smart/creative you are. Getting all the shitty ideas out of your head frees more mental space for you to focus on the good ones.
- It’s highly collaborative. It’s difficult to have a 5-way casual conversation. But having 5 different perspectives is super valuable. Sometimes 1 small idea changes the whole game.
- Most brainstorming sessions involve Whiteboards. This is good. Laying things out visually can again, free up more energy to focus on the hard problems.
- Breath-first vs. depth-first. For those who are not familiar with graph theory, BFS means exploring all of the adjacent points first, and DFS means go as deep as possible on one idea before exploring other ideas. Brainstorming tends to be on the BFS side, and that’s important especially at the early stage of a product.
I’m personally a huge fan of casual conversations. It’s a pressure-free and natural way to refine ideas and solve problems from other angles. These mini sessions can be extremely productive, but it’s kind of a hit-or-miss. To maximize the probablility of productive casual conversations here at Hyperpublic, we essentially sit in one big circle with the snack table in the center. Some of our best work come from casual conversations. Coffee trips is another good source of interesting discussions. When you are solving a technical problem, being able to talk to someone else while the problem is fresh in your head can be very productive.
Brainstorm and casual conversation are both important. They compliment each other in various ways, and the right practice of both can increase our productivity by leaps and bounds.
8 Things I Learned From Working at Startups
Taken by Justin Merriman, Tribune-Review
Last weekend I was fortunate enough to speak at the Build18 hackathon at my Alma Mater, Carnegie Mellon University. Unlike many of the hackathons I’ve seen in the “real world”, most projects here were not “business ideas”. They were true “hacks” – ideas created by the intellectual exhaust, experiments that exists for no purpose other than existance itself. I was super impressed by the technical depth of the projects.
At the awards dinner, standing in front of a room full of sleep-deprived college engineering students, I couldn’t help but to think back to 4 years ago. We were sitting in the same seats, filled with gumption and no particular direction, hoping to make a dent in the world. We wanted to be important, special, even rich, because we have earned the rights through the endless pencil-smeared pages of equations and the caffine-buzzed lab hours. “My heart is in the work”, says Andrew Carnegie. All you have to do is to keep your head straight, work hard, and eventually the dent will be made. Right?
As it turns out, direction and course correction is more important than hard work. Just as a car with a powerful engine but no steering wheel has very little chance of getting to its destination, effort is the pre-requisite for doing anything significant.
I had planned to share a slice of the startup life, maybe even inspire some of them to start or join a startup. But given the particular setting and timing (they were probably all cracked out from a week-long hacking session), the most efficient way to get my points across was to be succinct. I compiled everything I wanted to say into the following 8 bullet points.
- If you haven’t read PG’s essays or don’t already read hacker news, just do it.
- Iterate – It’s quite a remarkable concept. I alaways get a feeling of comfort when I know that I can just keep doing the same things over and over again, and my product will magically become better and better.
- Launch early, launch often – Be lean. It’s something to strive for, but don’t kill yourself over it. It’s much more important to know why you should be lean than how to be lean.
- Over-share your idea – Don’t be afraid that other people will steal your startup idea. The risk of hiding your idea and no learning from other people is much greater than the risk of some douche stealing your idea. Ask people who have done this before, ask people who you really respect, ask random people in coffee shops.
- Always find ways to validate your idea – Think of your startup idea as the hypothesis, and your goal is to test your hypothesis through as many lenses as possible. The power of statistical approaches is much greater than statistics itself.
- Define some metrics – Metrics are great. They keep you focused on the most important things. Find the thing that will kill you and do that first.
- Avoid going to networking events – Also don’t think about raising money too soon. Both are HUGE distractions from building your product. If you are trying to be “one of the cool kids”, you are doing it wrong.
- Don’t be a dick – The people you work with are your greatest assets, so be very careful of choosing who you want to work with. Once you’ve made that decision, treat them like a brother (or sister).
Startup is definitely a learn-by-doing experience, which means the students probably won’t do any of the above 8 things. But hopefully these tips will guilde them back towards the right path when they make a mistake.